
Saturday, July 16, 2011

PoongSoon Graduates

Today was PoongSoon's last day of Puppy Socialization with this particular trainer.  I'm pretty relieved that it's over.  Because the class is at 2 PM, it's been very hot and uncomfortable for her and me.  My car heats up quite a bit since it doesn't have tinted windows, and the asphalt must be scorching for PoongSoon.  As of late, she's been giving very hard balks when approaching the asphalt.  Positive encouragement ain't working for her.  I've been carrying her to get her going in the right direction.  I won't be able to do that for long.  She's 40 lbs going onto 60 lbs.

I asked my dad to come with his SLR camera for her last day of class.  He managed to capture all of the embarrassing moments, such as PoongSoon peeing on the carpet one last time.

He also saw how slobbered she got during the class.  Like last week, there were puppies teething and she got blood on her again. 

Click to enlarge

At the end of class, she got a chance to pick out a toy to take home.  The two other dogs that graduated didn't really picked anything up.   PoongSoon wasn't so shy.  She made a bee line towards the toys and picked up the biggest toy there.  It happened to be pink, which the other owners appreciated.

PoongSoon's next class will be an 8 week course with Hidden Valley Obedience Club.  The classes are going to be at 7 PM during the weekday.  She'll either repeat Puppy Socialization or go into Beginner Level I.


  1. Congrats on graduating. =)

    That toy is cute.

  2. I wish it was truly something to celebrate, but honestly, PoongSoon was starting to not cooperate during class and we went out on a whimper. :-p

    She gave a deaf ear to "comes", was really slow on "downs", and the "follow" was a disaster. She also threw in a hard sitting balk when the class went out for the potty break. She sat and wanted to stay exactly where she was even though I could tell she needed to go #2. Positive methods weren't working for her. I gave the two instructors free rein to try and they ended up just picking her up.
