
Monday, March 26, 2012

8 month old Poongsan Brothers

From what I've gleaned so far, these two brothers are from North Korean bloodlines.  They're smaller in size than PoongSoon and BokDol, kind of like larger Jindos.  Though my dad wants to keep one, I'm just temporarily boarding them until I find them new homes.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

2012 New Chicks

I purchased some new chicks this past week.  Eight of them.  A part of me thinks I was a "few eggs short of a dozen" after purchasing them.  I'm going to have to expand the chicken run if I want to keep them all. 

Black Copper Marans with feathered feet.  Dark chocolate egglayer.

Rhode Island Red.  Prolific brown egglayer.

White Leghorn.  Prolific white egglayer.

Black Australorp.  Good light brown egglayer, consistant through summer heat.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Foster Pup

On Sunday, I picked up a new foster dog.  She's a 12 week old female Jindo puppy.

She's a cute little thing who thinks she can play with the big dogs.  BokDol is pretty gentle and careful about playing with the little girl.

PoongSoon has less practice playing in her grown-up body and so even if she thinks she's gentle....

...she sometimes ends up smooshing the puppy.  I cringe, but no harm done and the puppy goes back for more.  On the bright side, PoongSoon is actually getting better with being aware of her body with each passing day.

Saturday, March 3, 2012