
Friday, July 8, 2011

Poongsan Side Profiles

Just snapped some pictures this evening.

PoongSoon hasn't really hit the uneven growth stage yet.  Being a tall breed, I was half expecting her to have a high rear and then have her front catch up later. She's about 4 months old now.

Here is a picture of BokDol.  He's still full from his dinner and so he doesn't have much of his usual tuck to his stomach.  His age was given as 1 yr old, but I wonder if he was younger than that.  His teeth are very pristine and white, and there are days that he acts like a young puppy.

PoongSoon is starting to bring stuff to BokDol while he's in the kennel run.  Yesterday was a piece of straw that they shared through the panel.  Today was a rope toy.   


Tomorrow I'll be holding my breath as I try integrating the two without a barrier in between them.


  1. PoongSoon is looking great! It's so cute that she brings BokDol things. I hope they get along good with each other tomorrow.

  2. BokDol is cute I'm glad he has you guys to help him out. =)
