
Saturday, June 18, 2011

PoongSoon's 2nd day of class

Today was PoongSoon's second day of puppy socialization class.  Because of the Jindo picnic, we missed last week's class.

This week had mixed results.  On one hand, she was taking treats and excelling in learning new commands.  She continued to love meeting people.

The downside is that her preferred interaction with the other pups has shut down to neutral interactions.  She wasn't interested in playing.  She was okay being in the area with other quieter dogs, just wandering around with some mild curiosity, but once she was in the rambunctious area with the extrovert dogs, she had a very negative reaction.  She got squashed by the American Akita puppy that was humping her, and the German Shepherd puppy that she played with two weeks ago was way too much for her.  She had to snap, growl and show teeth to get them to back off, and her legs were shaking while hiding behind people.  I feel bad that I hadn't intervened fast enough, and of course multiple what-if's crossed my mind.

What if I hadn't missed last week's class?

What if I had remembered that the GSD was too much for even some of the extroverts?

What if I didn't hesitate on pulling off someone else's dog?   

Once I got my wits about me, I removed her from that area.  Since it was also the end of class, I left pretty fast, fast enough that the trainer tailed me to make sure I was okay.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry she had a rough time. I hope it was just an off day and she has more fun with some dogs with a similar play style next time!

    I want to pass on a blog award I got. There's more information here:

    She is amazingly cute, btw! Love the pic of her on the bed!
