
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Zucchini Thieves

Someone, or should I say, some DOG, has been picking and eating zucchini from the garden.

I suspected that BaekSan was doing the deed, and this evening I actually caught him in the act.

As I was stalking him with the camera, he dropped his green prize.

What I wasn't expecting was that BokDol would take over where BaekSan left off.

BaekSan was looking forlorn over his lost prize and so I tried to shoo BokDol to his kennel so BaekSan could finish it.  Surely, BokDol wasn't THAT interested in a veggie, could he? 

What ensued was BaekSan snatching the zucchini and then BokDol evading me and giving chase after BaekSan.   They went behind the chicken coop/run and I went after them thinking, "No, they're not going to have their first fight over a ZUCCHINI?!?"

No growls originated from behind the chicken coop, which made me relieved but somewhat puzzled. 
It turns out that the zucchini got dropped near "no dog's land", which was their #2 potty area. 

I picked up the zucchini since it was still poop-free and put it and BaekSan into a kennel.

An hour later, I let BaekSan out of his kennel and PoongSoon grabbed what was left of the zucchini.

BaekSan hovered near, but PoongSoon blocked his view of her prize by turning away.  She ate the rest of the zucchini, thus ending today's veggie drama.

1 comment:

  1. My dogs will eat our tomatoes if they ripen a bit past perfection, and they will forage in the blackberry bushes as well.
